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Survey #3

*NEW* Project FAQs are available here.

After many months of neighborhood conversations, public meetings, park tours and more, the Scobert Gardens Park renovation design process is nearly complete. We’re excited to share a new draft concept plan that reflects the information we’ve heard from neighbors and shows safety and accessibility improvements to this green jewel in the heart of the Whiteaker Neighborhood.


Highlights of the proposed design include a paved circular walk, a new playground, a small stage area, expansion of the open lawn, preservation of existing trees, and introduction of a new fence and welcoming gated entries along the front of the park. A new restroom is proposed just outside of the park on a sidewalk bump out, and new site furniture is shown throughout the design.


We are eager to hear what you think in this third survey. We would love to meet you in the park on Tuesday, July 23 (rescheduled due to high temperatures expected on July 9) from 5:30-7:30 to discuss the design, answer questions and hear your feedback in person.


This survey will take less than 15 minutes to complete. A paper version is available by contacting Help spread the word and encourage your neighbors to take the survey!