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Consultation has concluded
What's Going On?
Following a successful pilot study and public feedback before, during and after the tactical urbanism project, staff have decided to allow the traffic circle to remain in place. If funding for permanent improvements at this intersection become available, a new traffic circle will be built. Thank you to everyone who helped make this pilot project a success.
The City of Eugene is partnering with a number of organizations to pilot a new approach to improving traffic safety called tactical urbanism. It is a method of enhancing the urban environment through quick, low-budget, often temporary projects that make streets safer, more lively, and enjoyable. It has been used by cities across the world in various forms, from pop-up parks and retail shops, to temporary protected bike lanes, to yoga in the streets!
This particular project will focus on improving the intersection of N. Adams and Clark Streets. Using paint and plastic to create a temporary traffic circle, the project will allow the city to improve traffic safety while also studying the resulting impacts to traffic and the local community.
The survey will be used to help city staff and their partners evaluate the success of the pilot project. If it is determined to be successful, other organizations in the region may employ similar techniques to deliver similar projects, all with the goal of improving safety.
Our partners include the Lane Council of Governments, City of Springfield, and the University of Oregon.
What's Going On?
Following a successful pilot study and public feedback before, during and after the tactical urbanism project, staff have decided to allow the traffic circle to remain in place. If funding for permanent improvements at this intersection become available, a new traffic circle will be built. Thank you to everyone who helped make this pilot project a success.
The City of Eugene is partnering with a number of organizations to pilot a new approach to improving traffic safety called tactical urbanism. It is a method of enhancing the urban environment through quick, low-budget, often temporary projects that make streets safer, more lively, and enjoyable. It has been used by cities across the world in various forms, from pop-up parks and retail shops, to temporary protected bike lanes, to yoga in the streets!
This particular project will focus on improving the intersection of N. Adams and Clark Streets. Using paint and plastic to create a temporary traffic circle, the project will allow the city to improve traffic safety while also studying the resulting impacts to traffic and the local community.
The survey will be used to help city staff and their partners evaluate the success of the pilot project. If it is determined to be successful, other organizations in the region may employ similar techniques to deliver similar projects, all with the goal of improving safety.
Our partners include the Lane Council of Governments, City of Springfield, and the University of Oregon.
Intersection Improvement Pilot Study has finished this stage
Watch how people move through the intersection and talk with community leaders and those who live nearby about their experiences.
Install pilot roundabout at Adams and Clark intersection/more community input (winter 2020)
Intersection Improvement Pilot Study is currently at this stage
Install temporary roundabout and issue a second survey to gauge the impacts.
Review survey results/determine future of roundabout (spring 2020)
this is an upcoming stage for Intersection Improvement Pilot Study
Analyze the survey results and talk with stakeholders to determine effectiveness of the roundabout. If successful, extend the pilot project and re-evaluate. If unsuccessful, pull the project.