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Online Open House for Refined Preferred Concept
On February 2, 2023 over 160 members of the community attended the in-person Community Open House for the Franklin Blvd Transformation project. Staff shared the current concept iteration with attendees and engaged in discussion. Feedback was shared and collected and will be used to inform further refinement of the concept as it moves forward from planning to design.
You can explore the current concepts using the buttons below.
On February 2, 2023 over 160 members of the community attended the in-person Community Open House for the Franklin Blvd Transformation project. Staff shared the current concept iteration with attendees and engaged in discussion. Feedback was shared and collected and will be used to inform further refinement of the concept as it moves forward from planning to design.
You can explore the current concepts using the buttons below.
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Page last updated: 06 Feb 2025, 10:41 AM
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Project Timeline
High Level Design Concept Development
Franklin Boulevard Transformation has finished this stage
Planning to transform Franklin Boulevard began in 2019. The initial planning phase of high level design concept development included three rounds of public engagement.
1. Design Workshop: January 28 - January 31, 2019. Initial design concepts created.
2. Design Workshop: May 19, 2019. Results of work done by staff since the first workshop were presented and community feedback was collected to continue evaluating design concepts and generate potential corridor alternatives.
3. Prefered Alternative Open House: March 10, 2020. The preferred design concept was shared with the community for feedback after project alternatives were refined and evaluated.
Franklin Boulevard Transformation has finished this stage
The Cities of Eugene and Springfield, with support from the Lane Transit District, jointly applied for a federal grant to assist with funding construction along Franklin Boulevard. The application was successful and together, the two cities were awarded $19 Million in project funding.
Corridor Analysis
Franklin Boulevard Transformation has finished this stage
The design team will publish a report analyzing the opportunities and constraints involved with transforming Franklin Boulevard, the resulting recommended design concept, and recommendations for implementation.
Preferred Concept Refinement
Franklin Boulevard Transformation has finished this stage
Following high level concept development, staff continued to refine aspects of the preferred alternative.
On February 2, 2023, an open house showcasing the refined preferred alternative was shared with the community for review and feedback.
Coordinate with Adjacent Property Owners and Businesses
Franklin Boulevard Transformation is currently at this stage
The planning team is working with Franklin Blvd property owners and businesses on design details. Coordination will continue through 2024.
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Analysis
this is an upcoming stage for Franklin Boulevard Transformation
The City and its partners will assess the environmental and related social and economic effects of the selected concept alternative.
Finalize Project Plans for Construction
this is an upcoming stage for Franklin Boulevard Transformation
The project will move to the design and engineering phase after making final edits to the concept based on community input. Design and engineering will occur from 2024-2026.