Climate-Friendly and Equitable Communities
Project Background
The Oregon Land Conservation and Development Commission adopted the Climate-Friendly and Equitable Communities (CFEC) rules in mid-2022 to help meet the state’s goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions while also increasing housing choices and creating more equitable outcomes for all Oregonians.
Eugene and Springfield, among other metropolitan areas across the state, are required to change development standards to encourage more climate-friendly development and reduce emissions from transportation.
Project Goals
Through CFEC implementation, the City of Eugene will accomplish the following goals:
- Comply with the Climate-Friendly and Equitable Communities requirements
- Reduce greenhouse gas emissions from transportation and housing
- Provide more climate-friendly housing and transportation options
- Center the voices of historically marginalized community groups in decision-making
Luckily, these are projects that residents and Eugene City Council have already supported through other community projects such as the Climate Action Plan 2.0, Envision Eugene, Housing Implementation Pipeline, continued investments in downtown, affordable housing, and active transportation infrastructure, as well as other sustainability, housing, and transportation projects.
CFEC will result in changes to the Eugene Land Use Code, revisions to the Envision Eugene Comprehensive Plan and 2035 Transportation System Plan, as well as revised requirements for development permits.
Stay tuned for opportunities to provide input and participate in community engagement. In the meantime, use the tool below to “Ask a Question" and check out project updates as they're available.
Project Background
The Oregon Land Conservation and Development Commission adopted the Climate-Friendly and Equitable Communities (CFEC) rules in mid-2022 to help meet the state’s goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions while also increasing housing choices and creating more equitable outcomes for all Oregonians.
Eugene and Springfield, among other metropolitan areas across the state, are required to change development standards to encourage more climate-friendly development and reduce emissions from transportation.
Project Goals
Through CFEC implementation, the City of Eugene will accomplish the following goals:
- Comply with the Climate-Friendly and Equitable Communities requirements
- Reduce greenhouse gas emissions from transportation and housing
- Provide more climate-friendly housing and transportation options
- Center the voices of historically marginalized community groups in decision-making
Luckily, these are projects that residents and Eugene City Council have already supported through other community projects such as the Climate Action Plan 2.0, Envision Eugene, Housing Implementation Pipeline, continued investments in downtown, affordable housing, and active transportation infrastructure, as well as other sustainability, housing, and transportation projects.
CFEC will result in changes to the Eugene Land Use Code, revisions to the Envision Eugene Comprehensive Plan and 2035 Transportation System Plan, as well as revised requirements for development permits.
Stay tuned for opportunities to provide input and participate in community engagement. In the meantime, use the tool below to “Ask a Question" and check out project updates as they're available.
City Council Selects Future Climate-Friendly Areas
Share City Council Selects Future Climate-Friendly Areas on Facebook Share City Council Selects Future Climate-Friendly Areas on Twitter Share City Council Selects Future Climate-Friendly Areas on Linkedin Email City Council Selects Future Climate-Friendly Areas linkOn November 13, 2024, City Council provided direction on where to designate Climate-Friendly Areas. Councilors unanimously selected “Option 1” which includes parts of greater downtown Eugene and the commercial area on Lower Coburg Road. Draft maps of Option 1 with current zoning are available here.
Climate-Friendly Areas (CFA) are a type of urban, mixed-use center, directed by state administrative rules. They are intended to be areas where most people can meet their daily needs without relying on a car. Staff proposed three options for CFA designation, based on the results of the 2023 Climate-Friendly Areas Study, 2024 redevelopment analysis, and community engagement.
Staff will spend 2025 preparing to implement the designation, including:
- Determining parcel-specific boundaries
- Completing a multi-modal transportation gap analysis within the selected areas
- Identifying housing displacement mitigation strategies
- Developing land use code and plan amendments
The package is anticipated for adoption by the City Council in 2026. CFA designation is not intended to be static. The City will monitor and may need to designate additional areas during future urban growth planning.
Eugene is integrating Climate-Friendly Areas designation within Urban Growth Strategies for a more cohesive approach to housing and growth management planning. As a part of this work, Eugene is advancing policies to focus future growth, particularly higher density housing, in and near mixed-use centers and along key corridors to increase access to essential goods and services for all residents. Mixed-use centers in Eugene will range in size and activity level, from downtown Eugene to smaller neighborhood centers. Climate-Friendly Areas are just one type of center that fit the state’s requirements. Centers will play a crucial role in reducing dependence on cars, lowering household transportation costs, and decreasing pollution by keeping goods and services close together and near housing.
Climate-Friendly Areas Options
Share Climate-Friendly Areas Options on Facebook Share Climate-Friendly Areas Options on Twitter Share Climate-Friendly Areas Options on Linkedin Email Climate-Friendly Areas Options linkThe Envision Eugene Community Vision calls for focusing future growth, particularly higher density housing and investment in and near mixed-use centers and along key corridors to increase access to essential goods and services for all residents.
By the end of 2024, the Eugene City Council will be asked to provide direction on where to designate Climate-Friendly Areas. A Climate-Friendly Area (CFA) is intended to be an area where most people can meet their daily needs without relying on a car. CFAs are envisioned as mixed-use centers with high-density housing, jobs, and services, as well as great walking, biking, and transit infrastructure.
On August 27, 2024, staff will provide an update to the Planning Commission outlining three proposed options (including maps) for Climate-Friendly Areas designation in Eugene.
Option 1: State Minimum Requirements
- Includes the Downtown Core, Midtown, Fifth Street Market, higher density residential area located roughly south of the railroad to 13th Avenue and west of Kincaid St. to High St., and the Lower Coburg Road area.
Option 2: Most Promising for Redevelopment
- Option 1 plus Valley River Center, South Willamette, and Santa Clara Station
Option 3: Requires Additional Investment/Incentives
- Options 1 and 2 plus the 6th/7th Corridor and West 11th Corridor. The results of a redevelopment analysis indicate the need for additional investment and financial incentive(s), in addition to CFA designation, for this option to successfully encourage CFA redevelopment.
Find more information on how to tune into the Planning Commission meeting here.
Eugene is integrating Climate-Friendly Areas designation within Urban Growth Strategies for a more cohesive approach to housing and growth management planning.
Climate-Friendly Areas Info Session
Share Climate-Friendly Areas Info Session on Facebook Share Climate-Friendly Areas Info Session on Twitter Share Climate-Friendly Areas Info Session on Linkedin Email Climate-Friendly Areas Info Session linkBy the end of 2024, City Council will provide direction on where to designate Climate-Friendly Areas across Eugene. A Climate-Friendly Area (CFA) is intended to be an area where most people can meet their daily needs without relying on a car. They are envisioned as mixed-use centers with high-density housing, jobs, and services, as well as great walking, biking, and transit infrastructure.
Curious for more information? Join the City of Eugene Planning Division for an upcoming info session!
Wednesday, August 21 | 12:00 – 1:00 PM | Zoom Webinar
Can’t make the info session? No worries, it will be recorded and posted to Engage Eugene.The City’s community vision calls for focusing future growth and investment in and near mixed-use centers to increase access to essential goods and services for all residents. Mixed-use centers are intended to provide convenient access to daily needs, such as housing, jobs, groceries, parks, schools, and services. They also range in size and activity level, from downtown Eugene to smaller neighborhood centers.
Climate-Friendly Areas are a specific type of center, directed by state administrative rules, that will play a crucial role in reducing dependence on cars, lowering household transportation costs, and decreasing pollution by keeping goods and services close together and near housing. By strategically focusing on these centers, Eugene can become an even more thriving, lively, and inclusive city that meets the needs of all its residents.
Climate-Friendly Areas Study Submitted to State
Share Climate-Friendly Areas Study Submitted to State on Facebook Share Climate-Friendly Areas Study Submitted to State on Twitter Share Climate-Friendly Areas Study Submitted to State on Linkedin Email Climate-Friendly Areas Study Submitted to State linkIn December, the City of Eugene submitted the Climate-Friendly Areas Study to the Dept. of Land Conservation and Development. A Climate Friendly Area, or CFA, is intended to be an area where most people can meet their daily needs without relying on a car.
Through the state-required CFA Study, Eugene identified potential areas across the city and studied the most promising locations. This study is primarily a technical analysis of specific areas in Eugene that can meet certain required development regulations and provide active transportation facilities, parks access, and more. In the Study, Eugene also considers the risk of housing displacement of historically marginalized community groups stemming from CFA designation.
What’s Next?
The CFA Study is the first step in the CFA designation process. In 2024, the City will begin the process to select Eugene’s CFAs. The selection process will include many opportunities for community engagement as a part of Eugene’s upcoming Urban Growth Strategies work – look for a project update in the section above/below!
The Eugene Planning Commission will hold a work session on Tuesday, January 23 at 5:30 p.m. to receive an update on the Climate-Friendly Areas Study, ask questions, provide feedback, and discuss next steps. Meeting agendas and materials for Planning Commission meetings are available here.
Eugene City Council Takes Action on CFEC Parking Reform
Share Eugene City Council Takes Action on CFEC Parking Reform on Facebook Share Eugene City Council Takes Action on CFEC Parking Reform on Twitter Share Eugene City Council Takes Action on CFEC Parking Reform on Linkedin Email Eugene City Council Takes Action on CFEC Parking Reform linkEugene City Council Aligns Parking Requirements With New State Climate Rules
In response to a 2020 state mandate setting goals to reduce pollution, Oregon’s Land Conservation and Development Commission adopted the Climate-Friendly and Equitable Communities (CFEC) rules. Eugene and Springfield, among other metropolitan areas across the state, are required to change housing and transportation planning systems to encourage more climate-friendly development and reduce emissions from transportation.
The first set of requirements to take effect relate to how cities require vehicle parking for new development or redevelopment. After substantial public involvement, on November 13 the Eugene City Council adopted changes to the land use code to eliminate minimum off-street parking requirements citywide. Additionally, these changes include other required parking reforms such as a requiring tree canopy or solar panels to cover large parking lots and establishing parking maximums for some uses where they did not yet exist.
This decision is the third and final piece of Eugene’s implementation of the CFEC Parking Reform state requirements. Other effective changes include:
- As of January 1, 2023, the City could no longer enforce minimum off-street parking requirements for development/redevelopment within a half-mile walking distance of a frequent transit corridor. The November 13 City Council decision extends this citywide.
- As of April 1, 2023, new development with more than 5 dwelling units must install electrical service capacity to accommodate 40% of vehicle parking spaces, paving the way for a future with more electric vehicles.
The City Council’s decision, and the CFEC rules generally, do not mean that people cannot choose to build and provide parking. This change means that the City will not require them to. Many developments will still provide parking based on financing requirements and the needs of residents. Reduced parking requirements can lead to reduced housing costs, increased business development, and more diverse types of development through more creative approaches to providing parking, while advancing Oregon’s climate goals.
Parking Reform is the first of several projects to implement the CFEC state requirements. Catch up on what’s already happened and what’s coming next on Eugene’s CFEC webpage.
Parking Reform Goes to City Council
Share Parking Reform Goes to City Council on Facebook Share Parking Reform Goes to City Council on Twitter Share Parking Reform Goes to City Council on Linkedin Email Parking Reform Goes to City Council linkOn August 1, the Eugene Planning Commission recommended removing off-street minimum vehicle parking requirements citywide. The last step in the process is to bring the draft land use code amendments to the Eugene City Council for a work session, public hearing, and potential action.
Mark your calendars to watch and participate in the City Council process:
- Monday, September 13 at 12:00 PM: City Council Work Session
- Monday, September 18 at 5:30 PM: City Council Public Hearing
More details on how to provide verbal testimony at the City Council Public Hearing will be available in the meeting materials. To provide written testimony or ask questions, please email or mail comments to: c/o Reid Verner, Land Use Supervisor, 99 W. 10th Avenue, Eugene, OR 97401.
At this point, any public testimony received will be shared with the City Council for their consideration.
Parking Reform Goes to Planning Commission
Share Parking Reform Goes to Planning Commission on Facebook Share Parking Reform Goes to Planning Commission on Twitter Share Parking Reform Goes to Planning Commission on Linkedin Email Parking Reform Goes to Planning Commission linkFrom March to May 2023, as a part of public involvement for CFEC Parking Reform, the City hosted 9 individual interviews, small group conversations with 62 participants, discussions at two tabling events attended by 180+ participants, a virtual information session with 18 participants, and collected 437 online survey responses. Involvement included proactive outreach to Black, Indigenous, and other communities of color, the LGBTQ+ community, Spanish speaking residents, people experiencing disabilities, neighborhood groups, and groups affiliated with affordable housing, transportation, environment, development, and more.
A complete summary report of public involvement is available here. We appreciate the willingness of community members to engage and share your thoughts with us – it is incredibly helpful as we refine our approach to implement the state requirements.
Parking Reform goes to the Eugene Planning Commission to begin the formal public hearing and adoption process next week! The Eugene Planning Commission will participate in a work session, hold a public hearing, and make a recommendation to City Council.
Mark your calendars to watch and participate:
- Tuesday, June 13 at 5:30 PM: Planning Commission Work Session
- Tuesday, June 27 at 5:30 PM: Planning Commission Public Hearing
The June 13 meeting agenda packet includes information on how to access the meeting, including an opportunity for public comment.
To provide written testimony or ask questions, please email or mail comments to: c/o Reid Verner, Land Use Supervisor, 99 W. 10th Avenue, Eugene, OR 97401.
Designating Climate-Friendly Areas: A Look Into the Process
Share Designating Climate-Friendly Areas: A Look Into the Process on Facebook Share Designating Climate-Friendly Areas: A Look Into the Process on Twitter Share Designating Climate-Friendly Areas: A Look Into the Process on Linkedin Email Designating Climate-Friendly Areas: A Look Into the Process linkClimate-Friendly Areas are higher-density areas of the city where people can live, work, and play without relying on a car. Learn more about Climate-Friendly Areas here.
Climate-Friendly Areas Designation Process
Step 1: Study
In 2023, Eugene will identify potential and study the most promising locations for Climate-Friendly Areas across the city. This study is primarily a technical analysis, considering certain state requirements and where in Eugene can meet those criteria.
An important part of selecting Climate-Friendly Areas will be engaging historically marginalized communities to identify any areas where people might be at risk of being displaced from increased development and propose strategies to prevent or mitigate displacement.
Step 2: Select and Adopt
In 2024, we’ll begin the process to select Eugene’s Climate-Friendly Areas. Selection will include community engagement, a recommendation from Planning Commission, and a decision from Council to adopt the final Climate-Friendly Areas.
Adoption will require revisions to the Eugene Land Use Code, as well as revisions to the Envision Eugene Comprehensive Plan – which staff expect will include two new chapters for Housing and Compact Development, as well as revisions to the Eugene Transportation System Plan.
City staff intend to adopt these plan and code amendments alongside Eugene’s next Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) analysis, which is scheduled to be adopted in 2026.
Step 3: Evaluate and Increase
Climate-Friendly Area designation will not be static. The City will monitor and potentially increase areas under this designation during future UGB analyses. Climate-Friendly Areas will function as an important land use efficiency measure, which is a strategy for more compact development within the current UGB.
Stay involved with the Climate-Friendly Areas designation process by signing up for the EUG Planning Newsletter or following the project on Engage Eugene. There will be opportunities for community members to weigh in on the most promising areas when the study is available in Summer 2023.
Rethinking How We Plan for Parking
Share Rethinking How We Plan for Parking on Facebook Share Rethinking How We Plan for Parking on Twitter Share Rethinking How We Plan for Parking on Linkedin Email Rethinking How We Plan for Parking linkThe City of Eugene is carefully considering how we use land, now and into the future:
How do we plan for parking cars throughout the city, including neighborhoods and commercial areas?
Who decides if parking is needed on an individual property? Could areas be used for housing, gardens, or trees instead of cars?
What actions are most equitable and effective: who’s impacted and do outcomes slow climate change and promote walking and biking?
Here are a few ways to engage:
Join our Virtual Info Session on Wednesday, May 3 from 6-7 PM
Visit our table at the Move EUG Open House at the Farmers Pavilion from 4:30 - 7:00 PM at Farmers Market Pavilion at 8th and Oak in Downtown Eugene
Read a summary of parking reform requirements and policy options
Weigh in on how we adapt to climate change and plan a community that is flexible, sustainable, and affordable!
Electric Vehicle Charging Requirements Effective 4/1/23
Share Electric Vehicle Charging Requirements Effective 4/1/23 on Facebook Share Electric Vehicle Charging Requirements Effective 4/1/23 on Twitter Share Electric Vehicle Charging Requirements Effective 4/1/23 on Linkedin Email Electric Vehicle Charging Requirements Effective 4/1/23 linkThe State of Oregon has an adopted goal that 90% of new vehicles sold will be electric by 2035. To help meet that goal, the City needs to ensure people can charge their vehicles. The most convenient place to do so is at home.
The City of Eugene implemented the second phase of state-required parking reforms focused on electric vehicle charging infrastructure. Starting on April 1, 2023, new multi-unit housing (5 or more dwellings) and mixed-use development (with multi-unit housing) must now include electrical conduit (pipes) to 40% of their parking spots, ready for adding wiring and charging stations to support electric vehicles as the market expands.
To learn more about the City of Eugene's electric vehicle strategy and other projects to make them more accessible, check out the Eugene Climate Action Plan 2.0.
Sign-Up for Project Updates
Recorded Info Sessions
Click here to play video Climate-Friendly Areas Info Session In this info session, City staff provide an overview of Climate-Friendly Areas and mixed-use centers. By the end of 2024, City Council will provide direction on where to designate Climate-Friendly Areas across Eugene. A Climate-Friendly Area (CFA) is intended to be an area where most people can meet their daily needs without relying on a car. They are envisioned as mixed-use centers with high-density housing, jobs, and services, as well as great walking, biking, and transit infrastructure.
CFEC Timeline
Dec. 2022: Reform Parking Requirements Pt. 1
Climate-Friendly and Equitable Communities has finished this stageEugene will follow a state-required approach to reduce or remove minimum parking requirements for desired types of development and within one-half mile of frequent transit.
Mar. 2023: Prepare for More Electric Vehicles
Climate-Friendly and Equitable Communities has finished this stageNew multi-family housing and mixed-use development (with multi-family housing) must include electrical conduit (pipes) to 40% of parking spots.
Dec. 2023: Reform Parking Requirements Pt. 2
Climate-Friendly and Equitable Communities has finished this stageEugene will select one of three options to reform parking requirements city-wide.
Dec. 2024: Select Climate-Friendly Areas
Climate-Friendly and Equitable Communities has finished this stageThrough public involvement and based on City Council direction, select areas for more climate-friendly development in newly designated Climate-Friendly Areas.
Dec. 2026: Adopt Climate-Friendly Areas
Climate-Friendly and Equitable Communities is currently at this stageAs a part of Urban Growth Boundary planning, adopt land use code and comprehensive plan amendments designating newly designated Climate-Friendly Areas.
2029: Plan for Climate-Friendly Transportation Options
this is an upcoming stage for Climate-Friendly and Equitable CommunitiesEugene will update the Transportation System Plan (TSP) and other land use and transportation plans to achieve greenhouse gas reduction targets.
2029: Ensure Compact, Walkable Design
this is an upcoming stage for Climate-Friendly and Equitable CommunitiesEugene will update the Land Use Code to allow for more pedestrian-friendly and compact development across the city so neighborhoods are more connected.
Monitor and Adjust
this is an upcoming stage for Climate-Friendly and Equitable CommunitiesThe City will monitor housing production and transportation performance measures over time and develop strategies to ensure we’re making progress.
Project Updates: Climate-Friendly Areas
November 13 2024
October 08 2024
September 11 2024
August 27 2024
July 18 2024
Project Updates: Parking Reform
November 13 2023
September 18 2023
September 13 2023
August 01 2023
July 25 2023
Project Updates: CFEC Implementation
May 08 2023
April 11 2023
November 16 2022
September 12 2022
August 23 2022
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