Urban Growth Strategies

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Urban Growth Strategies will identify the tools, actions, policies, and land needed for the next 20 years to support housing and living wage jobs in Eugene.

Our homes are the foundations for our lives; they are places of shelter, safety, gathering and comfort. Finding a place to call home and earning enough to pay for rent or a mortgage is getting harder in Eugene. Our community is growing, and the City is working hard to improve opportunities for housing and jobs in Eugene.

Project Background

Building off years of planning and community engagement through Envision Eugene, the project will evaluate the need for housing, jobs, parks, infrastructure, schools, and other urban land uses, as well as what tools can help Eugene to grow more efficiently. This work will result in studies of what land is available in Eugene, updates to the Envision Eugene Comprehensive Plan, other adopted City plans and land use regulations, a parcel-specific land use designation map, and an evaluation of whether there is a need to expand the urban growth boundary (UGB).

Urban Growth Strategies is a collaborative effort that integrates state-required urban growth planning, equitable community engagement, and City Council-directed policy work.

Project Phases

Urban Growth Strategies includes three key phases:

  • Identify Eugene's needs and priorities for housing
  • Study what land is needed for jobs, housing, parks, schools, and infrastructure
  • Using what was learned through community engagement and studies, create and update the regulations, guidelines, and maps for using land in Eugene

Stay Involved

Stay tuned for opportunities to engage in Urban Growth Strategies. In the meantime, use the tool below to “Ask a Question" and check out project updates as they're available.

Urban Growth Strategies will identify the tools, actions, policies, and land needed for the next 20 years to support housing and living wage jobs in Eugene.

Our homes are the foundations for our lives; they are places of shelter, safety, gathering and comfort. Finding a place to call home and earning enough to pay for rent or a mortgage is getting harder in Eugene. Our community is growing, and the City is working hard to improve opportunities for housing and jobs in Eugene.

Project Background

Building off years of planning and community engagement through Envision Eugene, the project will evaluate the need for housing, jobs, parks, infrastructure, schools, and other urban land uses, as well as what tools can help Eugene to grow more efficiently. This work will result in studies of what land is available in Eugene, updates to the Envision Eugene Comprehensive Plan, other adopted City plans and land use regulations, a parcel-specific land use designation map, and an evaluation of whether there is a need to expand the urban growth boundary (UGB).

Urban Growth Strategies is a collaborative effort that integrates state-required urban growth planning, equitable community engagement, and City Council-directed policy work.

Project Phases

Urban Growth Strategies includes three key phases:

  • Identify Eugene's needs and priorities for housing
  • Study what land is needed for jobs, housing, parks, schools, and infrastructure
  • Using what was learned through community engagement and studies, create and update the regulations, guidelines, and maps for using land in Eugene

Stay Involved

Stay tuned for opportunities to engage in Urban Growth Strategies. In the meantime, use the tool below to “Ask a Question" and check out project updates as they're available.

  • January 2025 Project Update

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    Curious about what's going on with Urban Growth Strategies? Staff share regular updates that provide relevant project information, milestones, and upcoming opportunities for engagement. For January 2025, project updates include:

    • Eugene’s Comprehensive Plan Update: Staff are rolling out draft Comprehensive Plan goals and policies for the community's review, starting (appropriately) with Chapter 1 - Community Engagement. Catch up on chapter development and share your thoughts!
    • New State Approach to Planning for Eugene’s Housing Need: The Oregon Housing Needs Analysis (OHNA) will fundamentally change how cities plan for housing. Eugene received its new 20-year housing need, and it’s significant!
    • City Council Selects Future Climate-Friendly Areas: City Council provided direction on areas to designate, including downtown and along lower Coburg Road.
    • Draft Land Use Designation Map: Have you checked out this modernized, digital map yet? It will provide a clearer and more detailed view of land use within Eugene’s UGB.
    • Recent and Upcoming Public Meetings: Staff will provide updates on Urban Growth Strategies to Eugene City Council, Eugene Planning Commission, and the Lane County Board of Commissioners in February and March.

    Read the full project update for January 2025 here.

  • Review the First Draft Chapter of Eugene's Comprehensive Plan

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    As 2025 get underway, staff are rolling out draft Comprehensive Plan goals and policies for the community's review, starting (appropriately) with Chapter 1 - Community Engagement. There are a variety of ways to learn more about this important component of Urban Growth Strategies, and to share your ideas...

    Watch the Video: Envision Eugene Comprehensive Plan

    In this recorded presentation, City staff provide an overview on comprehensive planning, background on Eugene's Comprehensive Plan, how it is being developed, next steps, and ways for you to engage in the planning process.

    Watch the Video: Comprehensive Plan Chapter 1 - Community Engagement

    In this recorded presentation, City staff provide a brief overview of Chapter 1 of the Comprehensive Plan, the 2025 draft goals and policies for Community Engagement, next steps, and ways for you to engage in the planning process.

    Take the Survey: Chapter 1 - Community Engagement

    Take a brief survey on the 2025 draft goals and policies for Community Engagement and provide your input. You will be prompted to sign in or create an Engage Eugene account to begin the survey. We appreciate your participation!

    Review the draft goals and policies for Chapter 1 - Community Engagement.

    What's Next?

    Throughout the winter and spring, staff will be rolling out draft goals and policies (with supporting videos and surveys) for all Comprehensive Plan chapters under development, including the following topics:

    • Community Engagement (see above)
    • Compact Development
    • Housing
    • Community Health
    • Public Facilities and Services
    • Land Use

    Check back here regularly for updates. To learn more about the Envision Eugene Comprehensive Plan, visit the project webpage.

    Questions? Contact us at UGS@eugene-or.gov. We look forward to hearing from you.

  • City Council Selects Future Climate-Friendly Areas

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    On November 13, 2024, City Council provided direction on where to designate Climate-Friendly Areas. Councilors unanimously selected “Option 1” which includes parts of greater downtown Eugene and the commercial area on Lower Coburg Road. Draft maps of Option 1 with current zoning are available here.Climate-Friendly Areas (CFA) are a type of urban, mixed-use center, directed by state administrative rules. They are intended to be areas where most people can meet their daily needs without relying on a car. Staff proposed three options for CFA designation, based on the results of the 2023 Climate-Friendly Areas Study, 2024 redevelopment analysis, and community engagement.

    Staff will spend 2025 preparing to implement the designation, including:

    • Determining parcel-specific boundaries
    • Completing a multi-modal transportation gap analysis within the selected areas
    • Identifying housing displacement mitigation strategies
    • Developing land use code and plan amendments

    The package is anticipated for adoption by the City Council in 2026. CFA designation is not intended to be static. The City will monitor and may need to designate additional areas during future urban growth planning.

    Eugene is integrating Climate-Friendly Areas designation within Urban Growth Strategies for a more cohesive approach to housing and growth management planning. As a part of this work, Eugene is advancing policies to focus future growth, particularly higher density housing, in and near mixed-use centers and along key corridors to increase access to essential goods and services for all residents. Mixed-use centers in Eugene will range in size and activity level, from downtown Eugene to smaller neighborhood centers. Climate-Friendly Areas are just one type of center that fit the state’s requirements. Centers will play a crucial role in reducing dependence on cars, lowering household transportation costs, and decreasing pollution by keeping goods and services close together and near housing.

  • October Project Update

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    Curious about what's going on with Urban Growth Strategies? Staff will be creating regular updates that provide relevant project information, milestones, and upcoming opportunities for engagement. For October 2024, project updates include:

    • Draft Land Use Designation Map: The Planning Division is thrilled to announce the creation of the new draft Land Use Designation Map (LUDM)! As part of the current phase of the Envision Eugene Comprehensive Plan, this innovative digital map will replace the 2004 Metro Plan Diagram, providing a clearer and more detailed view of land use within Eugene's UGB.
    • Climate-Friendly Areas Recommendation: On October 8, 2024, the Eugene Planning Commission made a recommendation to City Council on where to designate Climate-Friendly Areas. On November 13, 2024, the Eugene City Council will hold a work session and potentially take action
    • Staff visiting Peace Village for a listening session on housing needs and priorities, as well as neighborhood qualities.2024 Community Engagement Summary: From January through September 2024, City staff engaged with over 800 people through 45 in-person events and three online activities on Urban Growth Strategies. Read the 2024 Engagement Summary here.
    • Meeting Eugene's Housing Need: Eugene needs more than 27,000 homes over the next 20 years, according to the latest results of the draft Oregon Housing Needs Analysis. Read more about how that compares to our current development trends and how it will inform Urban Growth Strategies.
    • Recent and Upcoming Public Meetings: Staff recently presented on Climate-Friendly Areas to both the Eugene Planning Commission and City Council. In addition to another work session and possible action with City Council in November, staff will present updates on the Envision Eugene Comprehensive Plan and other UGS topics to the Eugene and Lane County planning commissions in December.

    Read the full project update for October 2024 here.

  • Check out the draft Land Use Designation Map!

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    The City of Eugene Planning Division is thrilled to announce the creation of the new draft Land Use Designation Map (LUDM)! As part of Phase II of the Envision Eugene Comprehensive Plan, this innovative digital map will replace the outdated 2004 Metro Plan Diagram, providing a clearer and more detailed view of land use within Eugene's urban growth boundary (UGB).

    The Land Use Designation Map is designed to guide where and how land can be utilized over the next 20 years, supporting our community’s growth in both population and jobs. With the help of modern mapping tools, the Land Use Designation Map will offer enhanced clarity for community members, property owners, and City staff alike.

    What’s a Land Use Designation Map?

    This map serves as a vital tool, outlining how land is planned to be utilized in the coming decades. It reflects Eugene’s long-term vision, guiding important land use decisions that affect our community.

    What This Means for You

    Rest assured, your current property use and zoning will remain unchanged. The updates primarily consist of slight adjustments to align with property boundaries, aimed at clarifying land use designations. Staff have reviewed the Metro Plan Diagram, past land use decisions, and refinement plans to ensure the new map is accurate.

    Want to See the New Map?

    We invite you to explore the draft version of the map, which is now available for viewing! Check it out on our StoryMap at Eugene-or.gov/LUDM.

    If you have any questions or would like more information about the Land Use Designation Map project, please visit our project web page or reach out to Zoli Gaudin-Dalton, at 541-682-5416 or email LandUseMap@eugene-or.gov

  • 2024 Community Engagement Summary

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    From January through September 2024, City staff engaged with over 800 people through 45 in-person events and three online activities on Urban Growth Strategies. This first phase of engagement was focused on housing needs and priorities and policy outcomes. Events ranged from a community wide open house to targeted listening sessions with members of underserved community groups.

    “No es accessible pagar el arriendo con el salario que tengo” (Staff translation: It is not possible to pay rent with the wage that I receive). - Lane Community College Drop-In Event Participant

    Read the 2024 Engagement Summary here. City staff will provide an overview to Planning Commission during their October 8 meeting. You can find the agenda, meeting materials, and information on how to watch the meeting or provide public comment to the Planning Commission here.

    Community engagement for Urban Growth Strategies will continue for the entirety of the project and is expected to continue for the next several years.

  • Climate-Friendly Areas Options

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    The Envision Eugene Community Vision calls for focusing future growth, particularly higher density housing and investment in and near mixed-use centers and along key corridors to increase access to essential goods and services for all residents.

    By the end of 2024, the Eugene City Council will be asked to provide direction on where to designate Climate-Friendly Areas. A Climate-Friendly Area (CFA) is intended to be an area where most people can meet their daily needs without relying on a car. CFAs are envisioned as mixed-use centers with high-density housing, jobs, and services, as well as great walking, biking, and transit infrastructure.

    On August 27, 2024, staff will provide an update to the Planning Commission outlining three proposed options (including maps) for Climate-Friendly Areas designation in Eugene.

    Option 1: State Minimum Requirements

    • Includes the Downtown Core, Midtown, Fifth Street Market, higher density residential area located roughly south of the railroad to 13th Avenue and west of Kincaid St. to High St., and the Lower Coburg Road area.

    Option 2: Most Promising for Redevelopment

    • Option 1 plus Valley River Center, South Willamette, and Santa Clara Station

    Option 3: Requires Additional Investment/Incentives

    • Options 1 and 2 plus the 6th/7th Corridor and West 11th Corridor. The results of a redevelopment analysis indicate the need for additional investment and financial incentive(s), in addition to CFA designation, for this option to successfully encourage CFA redevelopment.

    Find more information on how to tune into the Planning Commission meeting here. Learn more about Climate-Friendly Areas and centers here.

    Eugene is integrating Climate-Friendly Areas designation within Urban Growth Strategies for a more cohesive approach to housing and growth management planning.

  • Survey and Mapping Activity Close on August 25

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    The survey is now closed! Thank you for engaging in Urban Growth Strategies!

    The City of Eugene’s Planning Division has a survey and a mapping activity open to community members. This survey takes less than 10 minutes to complete.

    Survey responses will help inform the strategies to promote a livable city that meets the needs of everyone who lives here. As a bonus, survey participants can choose to be entered into a free drawing for one of eight $25 gift cards to the Lane County Farmer’s Market.

    The information provided in the survey and mapping activity will inform policy outcomes of Urban Growth Strategies. Don't miss this opportunity to be part of the conversation!

  • Climate-Friendly Areas Info Session

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    By the end of 2024, City Council will provide direction on where to designate Climate-Friendly Areas across Eugene. A Climate-Friendly Area (CFA) is intended to be an area where most people can meet their daily needs without relying on a car. They are envisioned as mixed-use centers with high-density housing, jobs, and services, as well as great walking, biking, and transit infrastructure.

    Curious for more information? Join the City of Eugene Planning Division for an upcoming info session!

    Wednesday, August 21 | 12:00 – 1:00 PM | Zoom Webinar
    Can’t make the info session? No worries, it will be recorded and posted to Engage Eugene.

    The City’s community vision calls for focusing future growth and investment in and near mixed-use centers to increase access to essential goods and services for all residents. Mixed-use centers are intended to provide convenient access to daily needs, such as housing, jobs, groceries, parks, schools, and services. They also range in size and activity level, from downtown Eugene to smaller neighborhood centers.

    Climate-Friendly Areas are a specific type of center, directed by state administrative rules, that will play a crucial role in reducing dependence on cars, lowering household transportation costs, and decreasing pollution by keeping goods and services close together and near housing. By strategically focusing on these centers, Eugene can become an even more thriving, lively, and inclusive city that meets the needs of all its residents.

  • July Project Update

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    Curious about what's going on with Urban Growth Strategies? Staff will be creating regular updates that provide relevant project information, milestones, and upcoming opportunities for engagement. For July 2024, project updates include:

    • Centers and Climate-Friendly Areas (CFA): The City’s community vision calls for focusing future growth and investment in and near mixed-use centers to increase access to essential goods and services for all residents. Climate-Friendly Areas are a type of center, directed by state administrative rules.
    • Centers Survey and Mapping Activity: To inform planning for Centers and Climate-Friendly Areas, the Planning Division designed and released a community-wide online survey and interactive mapping activity. Both engagement opportunities ask respondents about their ability to access goods and services and about the types of goods and services they wish they had within a short trip from home.
    • Housing and Urban Growth Community Open House: On Wednesday, June 5, 2024, the City of Eugene hosted a community open house at the Farmer’s Market Pavilion. During the event, nearly 150 community members had the opportunity to share their thoughts on community needs and priorities for housing, mixed-use centers, future urban growth, and other ongoing City projects.
    • Urban Growth Strategies in the Community: In June and July, the City of Eugene’s Planning Division participated in events hosted by Bethel, Far West, and Harlow neighbors, HIV Alliance, AARP, Noche Cultural, and Pride at Scobert Gardens.
    • Recent and Upcoming Public Meetings: Staff recently presented on a variety of Urban Growth Strategies work to a joint meeting of the Eugene Planning Commission and City Council, Lane County Planning Commission, and Envision Eugene Technical Advisory Committee.

    Read the full project update for July 2024 here.

Page last updated: 06 Mar 2025, 01:29 PM