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Community Feedback Form

River Road-Santa Clara neighborhood planning is in its final stage. After years of gathering community input on goals and policies for the five topic areas, the Community Advisory Committee is ready to gather community feedback on the draft Neighborhood Plan.

  • How well does the Neighborhood Plan capture your priorities for Economic Development, Transportation, Land Use, Parks and Natural Resources, and Community Action?
  • What can be improved before the plan goes to City and County decision makers later this year?

Community input will help inform recommendations from the River Road and Santa Clara Community Organizations and the Community Advisory Committee, which will be shared with the Eugene and Lane County Planning Commissions. The Planning Commissions will hold public hearings and work sessions in Fall 2023.

Note: You can only submit your feedback form once. Take a moment to preview the form here if you want to take time preparing your answers before submitting. When signed in to Engage Eugene, you can save and return to your form later until you're ready to submit.