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Eugene Rec Survey

This survey will ask your awareness and use of a variety of Rec services and program areas, as well as to weigh in on what is important to you as we plan our programs and services.  Never heard of Eugene Rec? Or you haven’t participated in a long time? We especially want to hear from you. This survey should take about 10 minutes, depending on your responses. Take the survey and you'll be entered to win one of several Eugene Rec prize packs, including a 90-day swim pass to Eugene Rec pools.

Attend sports events
Camping, hunting or fishing
Paddlesports, sailing, boating
Skiing or other winter sports
Writing or journaling
Take a class or program to learn skills
Walk, hike or bike
Visit museums, galleries or public visual art
Exercise/work out
Going out to eat
Attend live performances of music, dance or art
Health and physical activity
Spending time with family or friends
Comfort, relaxation and stress relief
Learning new things
Developing creative outlets for myself
Appreciating nature
Cultural diversity and understanding
Feeling part of a community

Service areas and community centers


Eugene Rec offers a variety of programs across several service areas, including Aquatics and Pools, Adult Athletics, Adaptive Services, Senior Services, Youth and Family Services and Outdoor Services. Following, we will ask you questions related to these services areas and our community centers.

Select option

Select option

Maximum 255 characters


Select option

Select option

Select option

Select option

Select option


If you do not participate, or participate in our programs infrequently, please indicate which of the following reasons why:

* required

What are the top five activities you believe are important for Eugene Rec to offer?

* required


We have just a few more questions about you that will help us to know who our survey responses reflected.

Select option

Select option


Please tell us about your racial and/or ethnic identity and/or heritage. You may select all that apply.  

* required
Select option


Please tell us what language(s) you speak. You may select all that apply and enter additional details.

* required
Select option


Where do you most commonly find out information on events, programs or classes you may like to attend? (select all that apply) 

* required
Select option

Maximum 255 characters


Select option

Select option

Maximum 255 characters
