River Road-Santa Clara Neighborhood Plan

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River Road-Santa Clara Neighborhood Plan: Community engagement for this project has concluded. The Neighborhood Plan has been adopted by Eugene City Council and Lane County Board of Commissioners. Please visit https://www.eugene-or.gov/3558/River-Road---Santa-Clara-Neighborhood-Pl for more information.

Project Background 

The River Road and Santa Clara Community Organizations, City and County staff, and neighborhood volunteers have been working together since the spring of 2017 to create a neighborhood plan for the River Road and Santa Clara neighborhoods. The River Road-Santa Clara Neighborhood Plan focuses on five topic areas - Land Use, Economic Development, Transportation, Parks and Natural Resources, and Community.

Where are we in the planning process?

After five phases and countless volunteer and staff hours, neighborhood planning has entered the final phase – Adoption! After years of gathering community input for the visions, goals, and policies in the Neighborhood Plan, the Community Advisory Committee (CAC) made their recommendation to the Eugene and Lane County Planning Commissions to approve the Neighborhood Plan, Action Plan, and Neighborhood-specific Code Amendments with some small staff and community-generated revisions.

Staff made refinements to the draft plan documents in alignment with the community recommendation before bringing a final version to both Planning Commissions for a joint public hearing. The Eugene and Lane County Planning Commissions both made recommendations to adopt the River Road-Santa Clara Neighborhood Plan to their respective decision-makers. These recommendations bring neighborhood planning one step closer to adoption! Eugene Planning Commission also recommended the neighborhood-specific code amendments, as modified during their deliberations.

The documents proposed for adoption by the City Council and Board of Commissioners include:

Next Steps

City and County officials are formally accepting comments on these proposals. All testimony received will be forwarded to the Eugene City Council and Lane County Board of Commissioners for their consideration before any final action is taken.

To submit testimony:

  • Email Testimony: Send e-mail testimony to RRSCPlan@eugene-or.gov.
  • Written Testimony: Send a written statement to the Eugene City Council and/or Lane County Board of Commissioners c/o Elena Domingo, City of Eugene Planning Division, 99 West 10th Avenue, Eugene, OR 97401.

Project Background 

The River Road and Santa Clara Community Organizations, City and County staff, and neighborhood volunteers have been working together since the spring of 2017 to create a neighborhood plan for the River Road and Santa Clara neighborhoods. The River Road-Santa Clara Neighborhood Plan focuses on five topic areas - Land Use, Economic Development, Transportation, Parks and Natural Resources, and Community.

Where are we in the planning process?

After five phases and countless volunteer and staff hours, neighborhood planning has entered the final phase – Adoption! After years of gathering community input for the visions, goals, and policies in the Neighborhood Plan, the Community Advisory Committee (CAC) made their recommendation to the Eugene and Lane County Planning Commissions to approve the Neighborhood Plan, Action Plan, and Neighborhood-specific Code Amendments with some small staff and community-generated revisions.

Staff made refinements to the draft plan documents in alignment with the community recommendation before bringing a final version to both Planning Commissions for a joint public hearing. The Eugene and Lane County Planning Commissions both made recommendations to adopt the River Road-Santa Clara Neighborhood Plan to their respective decision-makers. These recommendations bring neighborhood planning one step closer to adoption! Eugene Planning Commission also recommended the neighborhood-specific code amendments, as modified during their deliberations.

The documents proposed for adoption by the City Council and Board of Commissioners include:

Next Steps

City and County officials are formally accepting comments on these proposals. All testimony received will be forwarded to the Eugene City Council and Lane County Board of Commissioners for their consideration before any final action is taken.

To submit testimony:

  • Email Testimony: Send e-mail testimony to RRSCPlan@eugene-or.gov.
  • Written Testimony: Send a written statement to the Eugene City Council and/or Lane County Board of Commissioners c/o Elena Domingo, City of Eugene Planning Division, 99 West 10th Avenue, Eugene, OR 97401.
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    River Road-Santa Clara neighborhood planning is in its final stage. After years of gathering community input on goals and policies for the five topic areas, the Community Advisory Committee is ready to gather community feedback on the draft Neighborhood Plan.

    • How well does the Neighborhood Plan capture your priorities for Economic Development, Transportation, Land Use, Parks and Natural Resources, and Community Action?
    • What can be improved before the plan goes to City and County decision makers later this year?

    Community input will help inform recommendations from the River Road and Santa Clara Community Organizations and the Community Advisory Committee, which will be shared with the Eugene and Lane County Planning Commissions. The Planning Commissions will hold public hearings and work sessions in Fall 2023.

    Note: You can only submit your feedback form once. Take a moment to preview the form here if you want to take time preparing your answers before submitting. When signed in to Engage Eugene, you can save and return to your form later until you're ready to submit.

    River Road-Santa Clara Neighborhood Plan: Community engagement for this project has concluded. The Neighborhood Plan has been adopted by Eugene City Council and Lane County Board of Commissioners. Please visit https://www.eugene-or.gov/3558/River-Road---Santa-Clara-Neighborhood-Pl for more information.

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