River Road-Santa Clara Neighborhood Plan

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River Road-Santa Clara Neighborhood Plan: Community engagement for this project has concluded. The Neighborhood Plan has been adopted by Eugene City Council and Lane County Board of Commissioners. Please visit https://www.eugene-or.gov/3558/River-Road---Santa-Clara-Neighborhood-Pl for more information.

Project Background 

The River Road and Santa Clara Community Organizations, City and County staff, and neighborhood volunteers have been working together since the spring of 2017 to create a neighborhood plan for the River Road and Santa Clara neighborhoods. The River Road-Santa Clara Neighborhood Plan focuses on five topic areas - Land Use, Economic Development, Transportation, Parks and Natural Resources, and Community.

Where are we in the planning process?

After five phases and countless volunteer and staff hours, neighborhood planning has entered the final phase – Adoption! After years of gathering community input for the visions, goals, and policies in the Neighborhood Plan, the Community Advisory Committee (CAC) made their recommendation to the Eugene and Lane County Planning Commissions to approve the Neighborhood Plan, Action Plan, and Neighborhood-specific Code Amendments with some small staff and community-generated revisions.

Staff made refinements to the draft plan documents in alignment with the community recommendation before bringing a final version to both Planning Commissions for a joint public hearing. The Eugene and Lane County Planning Commissions both made recommendations to adopt the River Road-Santa Clara Neighborhood Plan to their respective decision-makers. These recommendations bring neighborhood planning one step closer to adoption! Eugene Planning Commission also recommended the neighborhood-specific code amendments, as modified during their deliberations.

The documents proposed for adoption by the City Council and Board of Commissioners include:

Next Steps

City and County officials are formally accepting comments on these proposals. All testimony received will be forwarded to the Eugene City Council and Lane County Board of Commissioners for their consideration before any final action is taken.

To submit testimony:

  • Email Testimony: Send e-mail testimony to RRSCPlan@eugene-or.gov.
  • Written Testimony: Send a written statement to the Eugene City Council and/or Lane County Board of Commissioners c/o Elena Domingo, City of Eugene Planning Division, 99 West 10th Avenue, Eugene, OR 97401.

Project Background 

The River Road and Santa Clara Community Organizations, City and County staff, and neighborhood volunteers have been working together since the spring of 2017 to create a neighborhood plan for the River Road and Santa Clara neighborhoods. The River Road-Santa Clara Neighborhood Plan focuses on five topic areas - Land Use, Economic Development, Transportation, Parks and Natural Resources, and Community.

Where are we in the planning process?

After five phases and countless volunteer and staff hours, neighborhood planning has entered the final phase – Adoption! After years of gathering community input for the visions, goals, and policies in the Neighborhood Plan, the Community Advisory Committee (CAC) made their recommendation to the Eugene and Lane County Planning Commissions to approve the Neighborhood Plan, Action Plan, and Neighborhood-specific Code Amendments with some small staff and community-generated revisions.

Staff made refinements to the draft plan documents in alignment with the community recommendation before bringing a final version to both Planning Commissions for a joint public hearing. The Eugene and Lane County Planning Commissions both made recommendations to adopt the River Road-Santa Clara Neighborhood Plan to their respective decision-makers. These recommendations bring neighborhood planning one step closer to adoption! Eugene Planning Commission also recommended the neighborhood-specific code amendments, as modified during their deliberations.

The documents proposed for adoption by the City Council and Board of Commissioners include:

Next Steps

City and County officials are formally accepting comments on these proposals. All testimony received will be forwarded to the Eugene City Council and Lane County Board of Commissioners for their consideration before any final action is taken.

To submit testimony:

  • Email Testimony: Send e-mail testimony to RRSCPlan@eugene-or.gov.
  • Written Testimony: Send a written statement to the Eugene City Council and/or Lane County Board of Commissioners c/o Elena Domingo, City of Eugene Planning Division, 99 West 10th Avenue, Eugene, OR 97401.

River Road-Santa Clara Neighborhood Plan: Community engagement for this project has concluded. The Neighborhood Plan has been adopted by Eugene City Council and Lane County Board of Commissioners. Please visit https://www.eugene-or.gov/3558/River-Road---Santa-Clara-Neighborhood-Pl for more information.

  • Share Will an off-leash dog park please be added to the area, specifically something walkable from Maurie Jacobs Park? on Facebook Share Will an off-leash dog park please be added to the area, specifically something walkable from Maurie Jacobs Park? on Twitter Share Will an off-leash dog park please be added to the area, specifically something walkable from Maurie Jacobs Park? on Linkedin Email Will an off-leash dog park please be added to the area, specifically something walkable from Maurie Jacobs Park? link

    Will an off-leash dog park please be added to the area, specifically something walkable from Maurie Jacobs Park?

    Erica Barry asked over 1 year ago

    Thank you for your question! Through our final round of engagement, we heard from multiple people about their interest in a fenced dog park in River Road-Santa Clara. As a result, staff recommended adding an action to the draft River Road-Santa Clara Neighborhood Plan in support of this identified need. Luckily, this aligns with the Eugene Parks and Recreation System Master Plan (Project RS16, Appendix A - pg. 25). The location of the future dog park has not yet been identified, but has been noted by the Parks and Recreation Division as an important priority for the neighborhoods.

  • Share Why isn’t all of River Road Santa Clara that’s in the urban growth boundary required to be in the City of Eugene? on Facebook Share Why isn’t all of River Road Santa Clara that’s in the urban growth boundary required to be in the City of Eugene? on Twitter Share Why isn’t all of River Road Santa Clara that’s in the urban growth boundary required to be in the City of Eugene? on Linkedin Email Why isn’t all of River Road Santa Clara that’s in the urban growth boundary required to be in the City of Eugene? link

    Why isn’t all of River Road Santa Clara that’s in the urban growth boundary required to be in the City of Eugene?

    RRnative asked almost 2 years ago

    Thank you for contacting us about the River Road-Santa Clara Neighborhood Plan. The Eugene urban growth boundary (UGB) identifies the land that is likely to be needed by Eugene’s growing population over a specific period of time (our current UGB is expected to accommodate Eugene’s land need through 2032). The UGB includes all land inside Eugene’s city limits and some additional land that is likely to annex to the City over time. At this time, there has been no discussion of requiring properties to annex if they are in/brought into the UGB.

    It has been City policy that Eugene tries to provide for annexation only on a voluntary basis, when initiated by the property owner. This typically occurs when a property owner proposes to develop a property (with new residential or commercial buildings) that is within the UGB but not within city limits.  Annexations must be approved by City Council and the property must be contiguous to the city limits or across the street from city limits. These conditions were not required pre-2008, which resulted in the checkerboard pattern of City and County properties seen throughout the neighborhoods today.

    To learn more about the annexation process, see the Frequently Asked Questions document.

  • Share Is there a plan in place to address the lack of a library for residents of Santa Clara with addresses that fall in the unincorporated section of Eugene? I have lived here my whole life and never had access to the library due to my address and now my kids are also dealing with this issue. on Facebook Share Is there a plan in place to address the lack of a library for residents of Santa Clara with addresses that fall in the unincorporated section of Eugene? I have lived here my whole life and never had access to the library due to my address and now my kids are also dealing with this issue. on Twitter Share Is there a plan in place to address the lack of a library for residents of Santa Clara with addresses that fall in the unincorporated section of Eugene? I have lived here my whole life and never had access to the library due to my address and now my kids are also dealing with this issue. on Linkedin Email Is there a plan in place to address the lack of a library for residents of Santa Clara with addresses that fall in the unincorporated section of Eugene? I have lived here my whole life and never had access to the library due to my address and now my kids are also dealing with this issue. link

    Is there a plan in place to address the lack of a library for residents of Santa Clara with addresses that fall in the unincorporated section of Eugene? I have lived here my whole life and never had access to the library due to my address and now my kids are also dealing with this issue.

    EK asked almost 3 years ago

    Thank you for contacting us about the River Road-Santa Clara Neighborhood Plan. Currently, County residents living in unincorporated areas are able get a card to Eugene public libraries but must pay a fee. As of July 2021, the fee is $11/month per household. City residents and non-residents pay approximately the same amount, one through taxes and the other through the non-resident fee. Both City and County residents can attend events and classes at the Eugene public libraries, regardless of whether they hold a library card.

    Additionally, all students enrolled in Eugene School District 4J and Bethel School District can get a free library card, whether you live inside or outside of City limits. For more information, visit the City of Eugene Library website. The Eugene Public Library also has the Imagination Library available to all young children in Lane County (ages 0-4). Children can receive a new book each month for free (a library card is not needed). For more information, visit the Imagination Library of Eugene website.

    Both City and County residents are also welcome to check out books at the River Road-Santa Clara Volunteer Library.

    The closest Eugene library for many River Road and Santa Clara residents is the Bethel Branch Library and residents have expressed a strong desire to have library and cultural services expanded in the River Road and Santa Clara neighborhoods. This community vision is captured in one of the Neighborhood Plan policies.

    In order for full public library services to be extended to everyone in the county, the Lane County Board of Commissioners would need to take action as elected officials. The local organization addressing this situation is the Lane Library League.

    Hopefully this information is helpful to you and your family!

  • Share The neighborhood plan looks like it has addressed LTD, bicycle routes/commuting and improved walkways. Has it addressed congestion for commuters of personal cars? I use my bike for errands at least 3 days/week but I also need to use my car a few days a week. River Road is very congested in the morning, around the lunch hour and from 4-6 pm. I worry that the LTD bus lanes will make the congestion worse. on Facebook Share The neighborhood plan looks like it has addressed LTD, bicycle routes/commuting and improved walkways. Has it addressed congestion for commuters of personal cars? I use my bike for errands at least 3 days/week but I also need to use my car a few days a week. River Road is very congested in the morning, around the lunch hour and from 4-6 pm. I worry that the LTD bus lanes will make the congestion worse. on Twitter Share The neighborhood plan looks like it has addressed LTD, bicycle routes/commuting and improved walkways. Has it addressed congestion for commuters of personal cars? I use my bike for errands at least 3 days/week but I also need to use my car a few days a week. River Road is very congested in the morning, around the lunch hour and from 4-6 pm. I worry that the LTD bus lanes will make the congestion worse. on Linkedin Email The neighborhood plan looks like it has addressed LTD, bicycle routes/commuting and improved walkways. Has it addressed congestion for commuters of personal cars? I use my bike for errands at least 3 days/week but I also need to use my car a few days a week. River Road is very congested in the morning, around the lunch hour and from 4-6 pm. I worry that the LTD bus lanes will make the congestion worse. link

    The neighborhood plan looks like it has addressed LTD, bicycle routes/commuting and improved walkways. Has it addressed congestion for commuters of personal cars? I use my bike for errands at least 3 days/week but I also need to use my car a few days a week. River Road is very congested in the morning, around the lunch hour and from 4-6 pm. I worry that the LTD bus lanes will make the congestion worse.

    katgat asked almost 3 years ago

    Thank you for contacting us about the River Road-Santa Clara Neighborhood Plan. Throughout the outreach process, we have heard concerns from the community about congestion on River Road. One of the Plan’s policies directly speaks to traffic management, “Policy 5.4 Traffic Management: Implement transportation system infrastructure improvements to support the traffic flow and enhance safety objectives.” While the hope is to support innovative, active transportation options like walking, bicycling, and transit and lessen the need for single-occupancy motor vehicle trips, that will happen over time.  

    Last week, the Eugene City Council and Lane Transit District’s Board approved MovingAhead plans, which include providing EmX on River Road. The next steps in that process involve refining designs for the project (which will include more community engagement), seeking funding, and completing environmental review processes. MovingAhead staff has done extensive traffic modeling along the River Road corridor and are confident that River Road can maintain traffic operations consistent with City guidelines if BAT lanes (business access & transit lanes) are implemented (read more in the Alternatives Analysis Report).  

    To submit comments and voice your concerns and questions about the impacts of EmX to congestion along River Road visit: http://www.movingahead.org/contact/. To stay involved and up-to-date on next steps in the MovingAhead process, visit the ‘Get Involved’ page to view upcoming events and sign up for the mailing list:  http://www.movingahead.org/get-involved/.