Santa Clara Community Park Master Plan

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Public engagement on this project has concluded. Thank you.

Santa Clara Park is a future community park site currently comprised of two open fields with informal walking paths on the north and east sides of Madison Middle School, off Wilkes Drive.

Parks and Open Space hosted three public meetings to help create a vision and gather input on conceptual plans for this 35-acre park in Santa Clara.

Santa Clara Park is a future community park site currently comprised of two open fields with informal walking paths on the north and east sides of Madison Middle School, off Wilkes Drive.

Parks and Open Space hosted three public meetings to help create a vision and gather input on conceptual plans for this 35-acre park in Santa Clara.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.


    Le damos la bienvenida a la encuesta Núm. 3 sobre el Parque Comunitario de Santa Clara.  Tenemos el agrado de presentarle un borrador del plan maestro que se basa en todos los documentos de planificación de vecindarios de la ciudad y en las opiniones de la comunidad durante el primer y segundo taller y las encuestas.    Esta encuesta estará abierta del 5 de diciembre del 2020 al 5 de enero del 2021.

    Le agradeceremos que revise el borrador integrado del plan maestro y nos ofrezca su opinión. Sus comentarios se usarán para darle validez al plan y a las prioridades de la Fase I.     Puede asistir al taller del día 8 de diciembre o ver la grabación antes de llenar la encuesta. Puede acceder a la información adicional sobre el proyecto en nuestra página Participe con Eugene.

    Public engagement on this project has concluded. Thank you.

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  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.


    Welcome to the Santa Clara Community Park Survey #3.  We are excited to share a draft master plan that is based on city-wide and neighborhood planning documents and community feedback from the 1st and 2nd workshops and surveys.  The survey will be active from December 5th of 2020 to January 5th of 2021.

    Please review the embedded draft master plan and tell us what you think.  Your feedback will be used to help us validate the plan and priorities for phase 1. You may choose to attend the workshop on December 8th or watch the recording before filling out the survey.  You can access additional project information on our Engage Eugene page.

    Public engagement on this project has concluded. Thank you.

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  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.


    Le damos la bienvenida a la encuesta Núm. 2 sobre el Parque Comunitario de Santa Clara. Tenemos el agrado de presentarle un borrador del plan maestro que se basa en todos los documentos de planificación de vecindarios de la ciudad y en las opiniones de la comunidad durante el primer taller y encuesta de febrero del 2020.

    Le agradeceremos que vea el borrador del plan maestro y nos ofrezca su opinión. Utilizaremos sus comentarios para determinar lo que se necesita revisar. Puede asistir al taller el día 25 de agosto o ver la grabación antes de llenar la encuesta. Puede acceder a la información adicional sobre el proyecto en nuestra página Participe con Eugene.

    Public engagement on this project has concluded. Thank you.

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  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.


    Welcome to the Santa Clara Community Park Survey #2.  We are excited to share a draft master plan that is based on city-wide and neighborhood planning documents and community feedback from the 1st workshop and survey in February 2020.  The survey will be active from August 11th to September 7th of 2020.

    Please review the embedded draft master plan and tell us what you think.  Your feedback will be used to determine what revisions are needed. You may choose to attend the workshop on August 25 or watch the recording before filling out the survey.  You can access additional project information on our Engage Eugene page.

    Public engagement on this project has concluded. Thank you.

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  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    This survey has closed. Download results of this survey.

    Public engagement on this project has concluded. Thank you.

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  • This event has ended. Please look for upcoming meetings at the top of this page.

    We're excited that you have joined us and expressed interest in this future community park. We will begin with our first public workshop on Wednesday, February 19 and hope that you can join us at the Madison Middle School at 6:30 p.m.  

    It would be helpful for us to know how many people to plan for at the first meeting, so please RSVP below.

    Public engagement on this project has concluded. Thank you.

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