Transportation Highlights
The community vision for parks and natural resources includes the desire to create and enhance:
- parks and open spaces
- tree canopy
- natural stormwater conveyances
The Neighborhood Plan policies intend to:
- provide access and connectivity to parks
- increase the availability of recreational opportunities
- balance preservation and access to the Willamette River
- promote agricultural enterprises and preserve farmland
See the one-page summary of the Parks and Natural Resources topic area.
Transportation Project Updates
Click the video below to watch City staff discussing some upcoming transportation projects in River Road and Santa Clara.
More project updates:
Beaver/Hunsaker Corridor Improvements and River Road/Hunsaker Intersection Improvements
- Lane County completed construction of the Beaver Street shared use path as part of the Beaver/Hunsaker safety project. This project will also include a stutter-flash crossing at Taito Lane and tubular delineators installed along the fog line of the south side of Hunsaker Lane to demark the wider shoulder created for people to walk more comfortably.
- The City of Eugene will start construction of complete street improvements (sidewalks, bike lanes, stormwater) on Hunsaker Lane From Daffodil Court east towards Taito Lane in late fall or early winter, aiming to complete construction in mid-summer 2023.
- See the Beaver/Hunsaker Corridor Plan for background on the project.
Beltline Interchange Improvements
- Both the Beltline Facility Plan and Eugene’s Transportation System Plan include safety and mobility improvements along the Beltline, including the Delta Highway and River Road interchanges. ODOT (Oregon Department of Transportation) completed NEPA (National Environmental Policy Act) documentation in March for the entire Beltline project, which allows a project to use federal money for construction. This puts ODOT and/or the City/County in a good position to pursue funding opportunities and move forward with additional design or construction efforts.
- Learn more about the project here.
Neighborhood Connector Bridge at Division
- The project plans include constructing a multimodal local arterial bridge over the Willamette River to the north of the Beltline Highway, connecting Division Avenue to Green Acres Road; constructing operational improvements to existing Randy Papé Beltline Highway/ Delta Highway ramps consistent with the Beltline Highway Facility Plan. This project will address some of the concerns about connectivity and congestion identified through the neighborhood planning process.
- See the recent presentation about this project at the Santa Clara Community Organization meeting here.
Safe Routes to School – Howard Avenue
- As part of a Safe Routes to School project, the City will connect River Road with Howard Elementary and Kelly Middle School with a protected walking and bicycling space, while enabling the curbless street to retain rural character.
- Learn more about the project here.
River Road-Santa Clara Neighborhood Plan: Community engagement for this project has concluded. The Neighborhood Plan has been adopted by Eugene City Council and Lane County Board of Commissioners. Please visit for more information.