Parks and Natural Resources Highlights

CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

The community vision for parks and natural resources includes the desire to create and enhance:

  • parks and open spaces
  • tree canopy
  • natural stormwater conveyances

The Neighborhood Plan policies intend to:

  • provide access and connectivity to parks
  • increase the availability of recreational opportunities
  • balance preservation and access to the Willamette River
  • promote agricultural enterprises and preserve farmland

Review the one-page summary of the Parks and Natural Resources topic area.

Santa Clara Community Park Update The Santa Clara community remains a high priority for development of much needed park services and work continues on the development of the Santa Clara Community Park. Santa Clara Community Park is a future community park site currently comprised of two open fields with informal walking paths on the north and east sides of Madison Middle School, off Wilkes Drive. City Council recently approved the annexation application for the park, which will allow for the City-owned property to be developed as the Santa Clara Community Park.

Phase 1 of the development of the new 35-acre park will include a playground, restroom, and park shelter as well as trees, lawn, lighting, parking, hard and soft surface paths, and a pedestrian bridge. The north and south halves of the site will be connected with a pedestrian bridge to span the remnant oxbow of the Willamette River and the banks will include some planting enhancements as a part of the bridge work. To see the most current plans for the park, click here.

The City has applied for a local grant that would also provide funding for path connections between the north and south properties and perimeter walking trails. These potential paths are shown on the plans as “grant funded improvements,” development will depend on if the City is a successful grant recipient. Additionally, the Eugene Parks Foundation is in the fundraising stage for a spray play feature for the park.

To stay up to date on this project, visit the Santa Clara Community Park Engage Eugene page.

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River Road-Santa Clara Neighborhood Plan: Community engagement for this project has concluded. The Neighborhood Plan has been adopted by Eugene City Council and Lane County Board of Commissioners. Please visit for more information.

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