State Requirements and Guiding Values and Principles from Outreach
The administrative rules implementing the requirements of House Bill 2001 (Middle Housing in Medium and Large Cities, Oregon Administrative Rules Chapter 660, Division 46) establish, at minimum, code standards cities need to implement to comply with the requirements of House Bill 2001. The administrative rules were developed and refined over the course of a year by four groups of planning and development experts: the HB 2001 technical advisory committee, HB 2001 rulemaking advisory committee, Department of Land Conservation and Development staff, and were adopted at the December 9, 2020, Land Conservation and Development Commission meeting. The technical and rulemaking advisory committees included representatives from local jurisdictions, planners, developers, housing advocates, and others. Meeting packets and recordings and a full participant list are on DLCD’s Rulemaking web page.
An introduction to the minimum standards was given to the Planning Commission at their January 12, 2021 meeting. Additionally, on January 12th, Planning Commission reviewed a set of Guiding Values and Principles from our Fall outreach to guide the outreach and implementation process moving forward. These Guiding Values and Principles were informed by our Equity Roundtable, Local Partner Roundtables, student outreach, and Healthy Democracy Panel.
An in-depth presentation on the minimum standards and model code will be given at the upcoming February 1, 2021 Planning Commission Work Session.
This project has concluded. Please visit for more information.