Efficient, Healthy and Resilient Homes and Buildings

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Project Background

Buildings are the second-largest source of greenhouse gas emissions that are contributing to climate change. Transitioning to clean energy, improving energy efficiency, and electrifying appliances are several approaches to “decarbonize” buildings. These building and home energy upgrades can help reduce our carbon emissions, while also protecting health, reducing energy costs, and improving comfort during extreme weather events.

Project Goals

In 2019, City Council established a goal to reduce emissions in existing buildings by 2045. In 2023, City Council rescinded an ordinance that would have restricted gas in new construction. Now, we are engaging the community to better understand the opportunities and challenges of making homes and buildings more efficient and resilient. This is the time for us to work together to identify potential pathways for achieving our climate goals. Participation from many different community members is critical in order to identify solutions that have broad consensus.

We seek to understand the following:

  1. How might we ensure the benefits of clean and efficient energy use reach those who need them most?
  2. What are the energy needs of local businesses and what is their potential for conservation?
  3. What programs, policies, and incentives will be necessary to support residents and business owners in decarbonizing homes and buildings?
  4. How does transitioning away from fossil fuels intersect with housing affordability, workforce development and public health?

Project Updates


We are currently recruiting commercial and industrial businesses to participate in focus groups. To RSVP contact Danielle Klinkebiel, dklinkebiel@eugene-or.gov.


We have wrapped up focus groups with business sectors and will be posting the meeting summaries to our website soon. We are now recruiting BIPOC individuals, seniors, people with disabilities and low-income renters to participate in focus groups. To RSVP contact Danielle Klinkebiel, dklinkebiel@eugene-or.gov.


Our survey is now live! Participate through the "Take Survey" link below.


We have wrapped up focus groups. Please join us when we go to City Council on July 10th to share the results of our engagement and potential next steps. Stay tuned https://www.eugene-or.gov/3360/Webcasts-and-Meeting-Materials.

Project Background

Buildings are the second-largest source of greenhouse gas emissions that are contributing to climate change. Transitioning to clean energy, improving energy efficiency, and electrifying appliances are several approaches to “decarbonize” buildings. These building and home energy upgrades can help reduce our carbon emissions, while also protecting health, reducing energy costs, and improving comfort during extreme weather events.

Project Goals

In 2019, City Council established a goal to reduce emissions in existing buildings by 2045. In 2023, City Council rescinded an ordinance that would have restricted gas in new construction. Now, we are engaging the community to better understand the opportunities and challenges of making homes and buildings more efficient and resilient. This is the time for us to work together to identify potential pathways for achieving our climate goals. Participation from many different community members is critical in order to identify solutions that have broad consensus.

We seek to understand the following:

  1. How might we ensure the benefits of clean and efficient energy use reach those who need them most?
  2. What are the energy needs of local businesses and what is their potential for conservation?
  3. What programs, policies, and incentives will be necessary to support residents and business owners in decarbonizing homes and buildings?
  4. How does transitioning away from fossil fuels intersect with housing affordability, workforce development and public health?

Project Updates


We are currently recruiting commercial and industrial businesses to participate in focus groups. To RSVP contact Danielle Klinkebiel, dklinkebiel@eugene-or.gov.


We have wrapped up focus groups with business sectors and will be posting the meeting summaries to our website soon. We are now recruiting BIPOC individuals, seniors, people with disabilities and low-income renters to participate in focus groups. To RSVP contact Danielle Klinkebiel, dklinkebiel@eugene-or.gov.


Our survey is now live! Participate through the "Take Survey" link below.


We have wrapped up focus groups. Please join us when we go to City Council on July 10th to share the results of our engagement and potential next steps. Stay tuned https://www.eugene-or.gov/3360/Webcasts-and-Meeting-Materials.

Page last updated: 28 Jun 2024, 02:56 PM